In Zeiten von Corona sehnen sich die Menschen nach Umarmungen – Wichtig für Leib und Seele
Gesundheitsförderliche Hormone werden auch beim Kuscheln mit Haustieren ausgeschüttet.
Ein Neurologe gibt noch den Tipp: einen Baum umarmen. „Das klingt jetzt witzig, aber wenn man das mal gemacht hat, dann merkt man: Das macht ein gutes Gefühl, das fühlt sich groß und stark an“.
Und noch das: The Power of Hugging!
CHRISTOPHER SWANSON (Sheriff, Genesee County Michigan) who on May 30, 2020 along with other law enforcement officers met diverse demonstrators protesting George Floyd’s killing marching toward the Flint Township Police Headquarters. Despite tensions flaring, Sheriff Swanson later explained, “When I saw the crowd and felt the frustration and the fact that we were only accelerating the issue, it was time to take the helmet off, go to the shot-caller, the lead organizer, give him a big fat hug, and say, ‘What do we need to do?’ That was the tension breaker.” He told the crowd, “These Cops love you. That cop over there hugs people. You tell us what we need to do.” The crowd started chanting, “Walk with us.” They did. “The mindset and hearts of the crowd changed. Change comes with action. There were no arrests, no fires and no injuries.” (reference Link) (von